Random News: Children’s Books Nostalgia

Hello Lovely Readers,

Today I am feeling a little nostalgic for all my favorite books from when I was a kid, and thankfully Buzzfeed has some lists about this!

First up  is a list of 21 Great Book Series From Your Childhood. I have read so many of these, and forgotten how many I loved until I saw this list. Cam Jansan and I solved many mysteries together (she had a photographic memory and would say “Click” to remember things like a camera). I still own all my Nancy Drew books, and I had a fight with my school librarian as they were the only books I would check out for a while! Wayside school was so wacky and I loved how absurd those stories were! I loved trying to figure out if the teachers from the Bailey School Kids were really monsters or not!

Second is 24 Childrens’ And YA Books Everyone Should Read Or Re-Read. Again I have read over half of these, and many of them I re-read rather frequently. As I said in my review Ella Enchantedwas one of my first fairy tale re-tellings and still one of my favorite audio-books.

For the next two finds, the lists take a slightly different turn. The first is Kids’ Books We’re Still Recovering From. Books almost never scared me, so the sad stories were much more likely to traumatize me. I know that when I saw The Little Princess in the cinema it was the first time I cried during a movie (I still haven’t been able to re-watch it!).

The second list is 14 Books That Traumatized You As A Kid. I have to say, their number 1 pick, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, was one of my favorite series of books. I loved scary stories, and loved re-telling them at slumber parties! I think this list has some books that I need to re-read!

Have you guys read many of these books? What books traumatized you? Did you have any scary story recommendations for me?

Until next time,

About Lynne

I am currently a PhD student of Forensic Psychology, which may explain the off mix of extremely morbid books sitting next to children’s books. Hailing from the Midwest in the United States of America, I have now lived in England for over 2 years (which will explain any strange grammar usage). From a very young age, my parents cultivated a love of reading, and never restricted what I read. When I reached middle school I began reading Shakespeare (a lifelong love affair), but had also discovered the wonders of young adult fiction. While the world may now expect me to read books more reflective of my age, I have fought this and am a strong supporter of the YA novel! Despite having very little free time, I still sets aside time for a reading every evening, and listens to books on my way to University. I dream of one day being a published novelist and published scientist!

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